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Installing the SDK

It is very simple to install the javascript SDK on your website. Before installing you will need an application id and application secret for the javascript SDK. Once you obtained your application id and application secret please add the javascript code to your website:

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.lhnJsSdkInit = function () {
    lhnJsSdk.setup = {
      application_id: "YOUR APPLICATION ID",
      application_secret: "YOUR APPLICATION SECRET"

  (function (d, s) {
    var newjs, lhnjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    newjs = d.createElement(s);
    newjs.src = "https://developer.livehelpnow.net/js/sdk/lhn-jssdk-current.min.js";
    lhnjs.parentNode.insertBefore(newjs, lhnjs);
  }(document, "script"));