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OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 authentication is currently the only way of authenticating to the LiveHelpNow API.

We use OAuth 2.0 because it is the most secure way of making API calls and allowing you to access information about your account.

Calling API methods is very simple and only requires you to pass a Authorization: Bearer HTTP header in each call.

To obtain the access_token to use in the HTTP header, please follow the directions below.

1. Create an app

Currently the LiveHelpNow API is in a private BETA. If you would like access to the BETA, please contact us and request access.

2. Request an OAuth token

You will need to make a request to https://developer.livehelpnow.net/oauth/token with the following URL params:

  • grant_type=client_credentials
  • client_id= - The client ID you have received during step 1
  • client_secret= - The client secret you have received during step 1

3. Obtain your tokens

After a successful request for an OAuth token, you will receive a payload with the following keys:

  • access_token - the token to use within the HTTP header for API calls
  • expires_in - how long the access_token is valid
  • refresh_token - a refresh token to be used to refresh the session
  • refresh_expires_in - how long the refresh_token is valid
  • token_type - the type of token being used (Bearer)

That is it! Now you can easily use our API by passing your access token in the HTTP header and following our API documention.