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SDK Callback Functions

The following functions will be called if declared:

function lhnJsSdkReady(){
  // This function will be called when sdk is done loading and ready

function lhnJsSdkEmbeddedOpened(){
  // This function will be called when the embedded window is opened

function lhnJsSdkEmbeddedClosed(){
  // This function will be called when the embedded window is closed

function lhnStatusUpdate(){
  // This function will be called when the online/offline status of the department or account changes
*lhnJsSdk.isOnline variable will provide current online/offline status

function lhnJsSdkInviteReceived(message, delay, type){
  // This function will be called when a new chat invitation is received.

function lhnJsSdkInviteAccepted(){
  // This function will be called when a chat invitation is accepted.

function lhnJsSdkInviteRejected(){
  // This function will be called when a chat invitation is rejected.

function lhnJsSdkSmsChatShown(){
  // This function will be called when the sms chat is launched from the chat window.

function lhnJsSdkPreChatShown(){
  // This function will be called when the prechat form is shown.

function lhnJsSdkPreChatSubmitted(){
  // This function will be called when the prechat form is submitted.

function lhnJsSdkChatStarted(){
  // This function will be called when the chat has begun.

function lhnJsSdkChatNewMessage(message_id, message, message_type){
  // This function will be called when a new chat message is received.

function lhnJsSdkChatTimeout(message){
  // This function will be called when a chat timeout option is triggered.

function lhnJsSdkChatEnded(chat_session_id){
  // This function will be called when chat has been ended

function lhnJsSdkOfflineShown(){
  // This function will be called when the offline form is shown.

function lhnJsSdkOfflineSubmitted(){
  // This function will be called when the offline form is submitted.

function lhnJsSdkSurveyShown(){
  // This function will be called when a survey has been shown

function lhnJsSdkSurveySubmitted(){
  // This function will be called when a survey has been submitted

function lhnPromo(message){
  // This function will be called when a promo is received

function lhnJsSdkKbSearch(search_term){
  // This function will be called when a kb search is occuring

function lhnJsSdkTicketShown(){
  // This function will be called when a ticket form is shown

function lhnJsSdkTicketSubmitted(){
  // This function will be called when a ticket form is submitted

function lhnJsSdkCallbackShown(){
  // This function will be called when a callback form is shown

function lhnJsSdkCallbackSubmitted(){
  // This function will be called when a callback form is submitted

function lhnConversion(conversion_id, conversion_value){
  // This function will be called when a conversion is triggered

/* Only for Help Bot Chats */
function lhnJsSdkBotInputReceived(question, answer){
  // This function will be called when a Help Bot question is answered